Meet RW, Pet of The Month

RW Pet of the Month

Meet RW, a 4-year-old Snowshoe mix cat. He recently came into our hospital for blood in his urine. Dr. Rensink noticed he had severe gingivitis and halitosis, causing his gum tissue to be very irritated, raw, and painful. We recommended that RW have a dental procedure. RW came back in for a dental cleaning and full mouth x-rays. We determined that he suffered from a condition called stomatitis, which is when the gum tissues are allergic to the enamel of the teeth causing the severe gingivitis, inflammation, and discomfort. We recommended full mouth extractions as this is the preferred option to treat this disease. RW had to have most of his teeth, 12 total, removed, except for the 4 K9 teeth and the small front teeth. He woke up from anesthetic very well and perky. Less than 24 hours after his procedure his owners called to inform us he was doing great!! He seemed to be feeling much better, increased appetite, comfortable, and purring! Since doing the procedure recommended by Dr. Rensink and Dr. McCool, RW and his family are living life more comfortably and happy. His family reports that he used to be lethargic and seemed sad, but now he jumps up into their laps wanting attention and love all the time. Mom says “He has a whole new personality!”

If you have questions for your Del Valle Pet Hospital veterinarian, stop by our veterinary hospital in Livermore or call (925) 443-6000 to schedule an appointment.
