Have You Heard of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Veterinary medicine is constantly evolving. One of the newest advancements in the field includes platelet rich plasma (PRP), which has already been used for years in human medicine to heal tendon and ligament lesions, promote wound healing and help with bone grafts. In fact, some very high-profile athletes have had PRP treatments and had lasting great results!

Tiger Woods

When Tiger Woods blew out his knee in 2008, he needed a knee reconstruction. However, this procedure often results in knee pain and recurring problems so instead, Woods had PRP injections before the Master’s Tournament. After he received several injections of PRP in his knee, he competed. In what appeared to be a miraculous recovery, he was then able to golf without pain.

Kobe Bryant

In basketball, the risk of knee injuries is great. The famous Kobe Bryant was a victim of a knee injury—after years of stress on his knees, he developed trouble with his joints. His pain was so bad that he thought about retiring early. However, he opted instead to try PRP therapy. Bryant flew to Germany and received several rounds of PRP injections. Then, Bryant was able to resume his career without knee troubles. PRP saved him from an early retirement.

Alex Rodriguez

When Alex Rodriguez underwent surgery in 2009, people had concerns about his return. They thought that the baseball all-star might not make it back on the field quickly. However, Rodriguez decided to try PRP therapy. He eventually made it back on the field much sooner than everyone else expected. Thanks to PRP, he got his career back quickly.

Dr. McCool

Celebrities are not the only ones getting PRP treatment—our very own Dr. McCool has just had this procedure done for the arthritis and pain in her hands. She is the pioneer for bringing this great medicine to Del Valle Pet Hospital. Her belief in alternative medicine and the benefits of not needing to be on pain medications daily is why she wants to share this with our clients.

What Can PRP Be Used for in Veterinary Medicine?

PRP in our companion animals is being used for problems such as soft tissue injuries, osteoarthritis, ligament injuries, tendon injuries, burn wounds and large open wounds. Since the PRP is obtained from the pets’ own blood, there are minimal risks, while the positive effects of treatment can last for up to six months or more.

The cost associated with this procedure is less than many people anticipate, and it can be comparable to the cost of six months of commonly used pain medications. This procedure is an outpatient procedure and can be done any weekday here at our hospital.


If you have any questions about this procedure or are interested in trying it out for your best friend, give us a call at (925) 443-6000 or make an appointment online.
